Grupo Vidanta Increases Green Initiatives in Celebration of Earth Day


Grupo Vidanta continues to set new benchmarks for sustainable, eco-tourism at its beachfront destinations, leading up to the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. Since its founding in 1974, Grupo Vidanta has made protecting the environment and natural beauty of Mexico a top priority.

“It’s our belief that our practices should serve the greater good and promote a brighter future for generations to come. All of our projects have been designed, built and operated using solutions and socially conscious programs that are ecologically responsible and efficient in reducing impact on the environment,” said Iván Chávez, executive vice president of Grupo Vidanta. “Through our commitment to environmental sustainability, we have the opportunity to pioneer the future of sustainable tourism and elevate the standards of responsible construction and real estate development in Mexico, Latin America and around the world.”

With resorts located in some of the most sought-after beach destinations in Mexico and Latin America, Grupo Vidanta’s efforts to protect and preserve the environment, its natural resources and wildlife include:

Water Conservation: Wastewater treatment plants installed at four of the organization’s resort properties treated a total of 6.6 million gallons of water from 2014-2019, which is equivalent to supplying 181,633 households a year (*based on an average consumption of 100,396 gallons of water per day).

Energy Conservation: Saved 7 million KWH of electricity each year through technological efficiencies throughout each development. In 2019, Vidanta produced about 6.1 million KWH from its more than 12,000 solar panels, which is enough to power approximately 47,732 households per year.

Minimizing Carbon Footprint: Through conservation efforts, ecosystem management and high-efficiency technology, Vidanta reduced its carbon emissions by 1.5 million tons in 2019.

Preserving Marine Ecosystems: Vidanta Riviera Maya launched a sargassum removal project to prevent ongoing damage on the coast and beaches and collected 3,578 tons of sargassum seaweed in 2019 through manual operations and with an installed barrier system.

Wildlife Conservation: Since 2012, over 8,000 animals have been rescued, with 40 endangered species protected from extinction, and more than 2.5 million sea turtles released into the ocean.

Vidanta Nuevo Vallarta is home to “Isla de los Pajaros” or Bird Island. Grupo Vidanta protects and preserves Bird Island, which sits on 101 acres at the mouth of the Ameca River. Protected species include the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle); white mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa); and many animal species.

Vegetation: From 2007-2019, more than 67,000 plants of trees, shrubs and cacti have been rescued and replanted in protected locations.

Waste Reduction: Grupo Vidanta’s urban solid waste management program ensures that 100 percent of the waste is manually sorted and allows for the recovery and recycling of inorganic waste, resulting in more than 7,200 tons or 40-percent of organic waste composted from 2014-2018.

Grupo Vidanta’s commitment to environmental sustainability and community-first social efforts have been recognized by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI) with the Socially Responsible Company Distinctive in 2018 and 2019, along with EarthCheck Certifications at five of the Vidanta destinations.

Most recently, Vidanta Riviera Maya was awarded “Master Status” certification for 15 years of continuous environmental leadership—the first resort destination in Mexico and one of only 21 places around the world to receive such an honor.

Guided by its mission to inspire generations of happiness in its resorts, Grupo Vidanta is dedicated to a philosophy that ensures the conservation of the environment and supports the development of the surrounding communities for years to come.

For further information about Grupo Vidanta and their sustainability efforts, please visit
