Gun Scare Causes Passengers to Panic at Los Angeles Airport


Los Angeles International Airport’s Terminal 6 saw a short panic on Sunday when the mention of a gun was made, resulting in passengers attempting to hide or flee.

One witness reports the panic started after a man inside the terminal mentioned a gun. However, other witnesses stated that the man in question was referring to another traveler carrying a gun as he ran about the terminal.

The airport (LAX) stated that the police quickly responded to the situation and placed the man in custody. A photo of the officers surrounding the suspect at the scene was sent out via Twitter by a witness.

“Apparently the dude mentioned ‘gun’ and everyone panicked and headed out the security doors causing a breech [sic],” wrote the witness. “I was about 20 feet away from the guy who immediately got taken down. All is ok. I never saw a gun.”

According to both the police and airport officials, the alleged suspect did not have a gun nor any other weapon on his person. One passenger received minor injuries in the ensuing panic.

LAX later announced that operation quickly returned to normal after the suspect was apprehended, with police adding that there was “no indication the subject posed a security threat.”

No flights were delayed as a result of the disturbance.
