EASA advises caution to airlines operating over Iran


The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has issued a warning to civilian aircraft flying within Iranian airspace, that they may be at risk of accidental targeting by the country’s air defence network. The “advice for caution” comes just days after Iran released a report stating that an inattentive defense unit operator caused the fatal crash of Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued the warning on 16 July that commercial passenger aircraft flying through Iranian airspace may be at risk from accidental targeting by the country’s military air defense systems. It said, “poor civil and military coordination” could potentially lead to misidentification of commercial jets as hostile aircraft. The EASA issued its Conflict Zone Information Bulletin, which is valid until 16 January next year. It advises the risk in the region to be “high” for commercial aircraft flying below 25,000ft.
