Greenpoint Technologies in V-VIP Boeing 787-9 interior completion first


Greenpoint Technologies has delivered the world’s first V-VIP Boeing 787-9 interior completion to an undisclosed client.

Greenpoint Technologies has delivered the world’s first V-VIP Boeing 787-9 interior completion to an undisclosed client.

The company’s Moses Lake team modified the aircraft eight months faster than the first V-VIP Boeing 787-8. The company applied detailed planning, processes, and a 10-year knowledge base of complex Boeing 787 systems and structures to expedite delivery of this V-VIP Boeing 787-9.

To date, Greenpoint has completed five V-VIP Boeing 787 interior completions.

Greenpoint crafted the bespoke cabin in collaboration with the client’s representatives, balancing state-of-the-art systems and technology with meticulous interior design detail. Greenpoint managed the completion from conception through redelivery, including the design, engineering, and integration of the custom-built interior. The main cabin caters to the client’s distinct needs with private VIP areas and an expansive, multi-functional living space featuring woven fabrics, wood veneers, and intricate metallic details complemented by soft, indirect lighting. The result is a beautiful, seamlessly outfitted Boeing 787 showcasing the client’s individual style, designed to the highest calibre and robustly engineered to meet the aircraft mission requirements.

“Greenpoint is grateful for the opportunity to partner with such an amazing client, and we are delighted to redeliver our first Boeing 787-9 completion in record time! This historical achievement is a testament to our team’s dedication, attention to detail, and V-VIP completion expertise. We look forward to applying this expertise to future V-VIP projects,” stated Klaus Koester, CEO of Greenpoint Technologies.
