Cruise Ships Can Dock in Mexico Even With COVID-19 Cases


Carnival Paradise docked in Mexico, Carnival Cruise Line

Just as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is investigating clusters of COVID-19 cropping up on cruise ships, the Mexican government has clarified its position on whether boats can dock in the country.

Mexico said Tuesday that cruise ships are welcome to dock at ports in the country, even if they are carrying passengers who have COVID-19.

The government announcement came after a pair of port cities in Mexico refused to allow passengers on ships with cases of the virus to come ashore. It was reminiscent of the early days of the pandemic in the spring of 2020 when cruise ships – one of the epicenters of the virus – were forced to remain at sea until finding a friendly port that would allow them to dock.

Now, the Mexican Health Department says passengers and crew who show no symptoms of COVID-19 are allowed to leave the boat to tour port cities, while those with symptoms or who test positive must quarantine, according to the Associated Press.

It’s a welcome piece of news for the cruise industry, which has been beleaguered for more than a year-and-a-half by the pandemic and then by efforts to get back on the water.

Mexico has no travel restrictions due to COVID, nor any testing requirements, and has not instituted face mask mandates.
