European Commission approves ban on short domestic flights across France


European Commission approves ban on short domestic flights across France

The European Commission approved a measure by the French government to ban short domestic flights when an equivalent train journey of less than 2h30 can be taken.

Connecting flights to and from Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) are exempt. This measure, intended to reduce carbon emissions, will have to be reviewed after three years.

“I welcome the Commission’s decision which will make it possible to launch new steps in the effective banning of airlines when there is an alternative of less than 2h30 by train,” said Clément Beaune, French Minister Delegate for Transport. “This is a major effort, and I am proud that France is a pioneer in this area.”

The decision was first announced as a condition to the €7 billion of state aid provided to the national carrier Air France during the COVID-19 pandemic.
