Kenya Airways and Royal Air Maroc resume partnership after three-year halt


Nairobi-based Kenya Airways (KQ) and Casablanca’s Royal Air Maroc (RAM) have inked an agreement to restore their codeshare partnership after a three-year halt.

The partnership was first launched in 2016 and discontinued in 2019 according to a joint statement released by the airlines.

However, the restored agreement gives RAM passengers the option to travel to Nairobi, Zanzibar and Johannesburg on KQ’ network, while KQ passengers will be able to connect to Casablanca and Marrakech, as well as other international destinations within RAM’s network, the statement continued.

The restored partnership between airlines will help increase connectivity across the African continent and between the two airlines’ hubs, according to Abdelhamid ADDOU, Chairman and CEO of Royal Air Maroc.

“This partnership strengthens our connectivity to the East and South of the African continent, thanks to a long-standing reliable partner, Kenya Airways. It will enable our passengers to reach Nairobi and Johannesburg,” said ADDOU.

Julius Thairu, KQ’s Chief Commercial and Customer Officer, highlighted the travel benefits that passengers will have access to through the connection between KQ’s Nairobi hub and RAM’s Casablanca hub.

“We are very happy to see this partnership reactivated as it will provide our travelers with improved connectivity options between our two hubs, Nairobi and Casablanca. Our customers will be able to enjoy the financial center of Casablanca and the tourist destination of Marrakech,” said Thairu.

According to the statement, RAM currently operates three weekly flights to Accra, Ghana from Casablanca and will add three flights through its codeshare with KQ to Nairobi, linking Accra to Johannesburg and Zanzibar.

The partnership enables KQ to offer three weekly flights to Casablanca and Marrakech, via Accra, in addition to KQ’s current seven weekly flights between Nairobi and Accra.
