India’s Air Travel Safety Improved in 2023, DGCA Reports Significant Reductions in Air Incidents


India’s air travel safety saw substantial improvements last year, according to the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). The DGCA’s Annual Safety Review for 2023, released this Wednesday, highlighted notable achievements in reducing risks associated with air travel over Indian airspace. The number of airprox incidents, which involve a breach of the minimum separation distance between aircraft, decreased by 25% per million flights. Additionally, the incidence of ground proximity warning system alerts during departures dropped by a staggering 92%, effectively minimizing the risks of controlled flights into terrain.

Furthermore, the DGCA reported a 23% reduction in the number of unstabilized approaches that continue to land, contributing to fewer runway excursions and abnormal runway contacts. This ongoing improvement aligns with the targets set by the National Aviation Safety Plan (NASP), which works in accordance with the International Civil Aviation Organization’s Global Aviation Safety Plan. The DGCA utilizes a data-driven approach, analyzing safety data from its database and external sources like the ICAO iSTARS, to enhance safety measures continually.

This rigorous assessment and publication of safety performance indicators and targets underscore India’s commitment to embedding a robust safety culture within its aviation sector, paving the way for sustained safety improvements and growth in air travel.

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Sources: AirGuide Business
