Airlines Refunding Tickets for Passengers With Elevated Temperatures


Airlines for America announced Thursday its member carriers would refund tickets for any passenger denied access to a flight by TSA officers due to an elevated temperature during the screening process.

The industry trade organization shared its support last month for the TSA’s temperature screening guidelines for passengers and employees during the coronavirus outbreak, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Airlines for America and its members believe temperature checks will provide public confidence in the aviation industry, making it easier for travelers to book a flight again. With the federal government handling health screenings, carriers will voluntarily offer refunds to customers barred from traveling since it’s out of their control.

Temperature checks are part of a multi-layered approach airlines are implementing to mitigate the risk of exposure and infection and protect passengers and employees’ health and safety.

Another protocol being implemented is mandatory facial coverings for customer-facing employees and passengers, a measure airlines have said could become an issue if the federal government doesn’t step in and institute a universal mandate carriers can enforce.

Other protocols being implemented include electrostatic cleaning, intensive cleaning of all critical touchpoints, HEPA filters on planes, back-to-front boarding and adjusting food and beverage services to reduce interaction.
