Avensis Aviation awarded STC For Medius PTF conversion


Avensis Aviation (Avensis), a passenger-to-freighter (PTF) conversion solutions provider, has been awarded a permanent freighter aircraft STC (Supplemental Type Certificate) by EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) for its fully reversible Medius cargo modification. According to Avensis, this confirmation of the STC makes the only licenced and approved supplier of advanced PTF technology at this scale.

Medius is a reversible modification that transforms aircraft passenger cabins into full Class E cargo compartments, enabling carriers to quickly adapt their operations to industry demand for freight and optimise revenue on flights. The Medius solution is claimed to be the industry’s first to feature a Class E cargo compartment without a cargo door. Applicable to Airbus A330, the modification also introduces a separated supernumerary crew cabin.

The intermediate Medius PTF conversion can be scaled to a dual-purpose (Medius -Combi) or full (Navis) PTF conversion. Navis is Avensis’ top-of-the-range PTF product, featuring a main deck cargo door. This flexibility allows airline customers to tailor their fleet size to fluctuating freight demand while protecting their existing product investment.

Cristian Sutter, CEO of Avensis Aviation, said, “As the industry recovers from the pandemic, flexible PTF capacity is more important than ever to ensure airlines’ optimised fleet utilisation and deliver greater revenue potential. We are thrilled to be the only approved PTF provider to offer the Medius product, this advanced, first-of-its-kind cargo conversion solution.”

TAP Air Cargo is launch customer for the Medius modification, with further customers confirmed, including AELF FlightService. Avensis is presently committed to 10 conversions for 2022-23.

Sutter added that Avensis has further product launches planned for the coming months.
