Bahrain Airport Company and Beyon Solutions Sign Agreement During BIAS 2022


Beyon Solutions to Provide 24×7 Support Services for Bahrain International Airport Core Network Infrastructure.

Bahrain Airport Company (BAC), the operator and managing body of Bahrain International Airport (BIA), and Beyon Solutions, an end-to-end digital transformation consultancy, have signed a three-year agreement during the Bahrain International Airshow (BIAS) 2022.

The agreement will see Beyon solutions provide 24×7 support services for BIA’s core network infrastructure. As a key part of Bahrain’s transportation infrastructure, it is one of the most critical networks in the Kingdom, with availability requirements of 99.9999%. This means that it should not be inaccessible for a total of more than 31.56 seconds a year.

BAC Chief Executive Officer, Mohamed Yousif Al Binfalah and Beyon Solutions Chief Executive Officer, Saad Alrashed signed the agreement at the BIA stand in the BIAS Exhibition Hall, in the presence of Batelco Chairman Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa and executive management from BAC and Batelco.

Mr. Al Binfalah said: “As the only airport in the country and Bahrain’s key gateway to the world, ensuring that BIA continues to run safely and securely is our priority. Partnering with Beyon Solutions will support these objectives by ensuring BIA’s state-of-the-art core network infrastructure continues to function efficiently. Resilience and business continuity are key areas of focus at BIA, and having the round-the-clock support of Beyon’s team of experts further bolsters our preparedness.”

Mr. Alrashed said: “We at Beyon Solutions are delighted to sign this agreement and proud that 70% of the support team that will handle this project are Bahraini. Our highly-skilled professionals will ensure core network stability and high performance, helping BIA to continue providing smooth, quality services to its users. We look forward to working with BAC to further enhance BIA’s reputation as one of the most advanced airports in the region.”
