FAA Releases Video Aimed at Unruly Behavior


The Federal Aviation Administration this morning released a public service announcement video aimed at unruly passengers, warning them that violent outbursts on flights can distract pilots from keeping the plane safe.

The video, released first to CNN, uses the tagline “You don’t want your pilots distracted. Unruly behavior doesn’t fly.”

The FAA says the dramatic video features actual recordings of flight crews informing air traffic controllers of emergency situations in the passenger cabin, interspersed with audio of in-flight scuffles that continue to surface on social media.

“We’ve got a disruptive customer in the back,” says the voice of one unidentified flight crew in the video. “Declared an emergency, we’d like to divert.”

The new video comes as the number of unruly passengers on board commercial flights continues to skyrocket. New FAA numbers released Tuesday show there have been 3,988 reports by flight crews this year, an increase of 99 reports in the last week. More than 73 percent of the reports are over the federal transportation mask mandate, which was just extended to remain in place through January 18, 2022.

“The moment that it happens in the back, the attention of the whole crew goes to that,” American Airlines’ Captain Dennis Tajer, of the Allied Pilots Association, told CNN. “The first thing you want to do is not distract from your primary duties,” chief of which is “keeping this airplane safe.”
