Exclusive solutions from Lufthansa Consulting’s experts at Routes World in Las Vegas


Best in class and award-winning services for airports, airlines and tourism stakeholders

Lufthansa Consulting’s Associate Partners Georg Baust and Arvind Chandrasekhar with consultants Luisa Grasshoff and Ainesh Advani are ready to meet the aviation community at the 27th World Route Development Forum from 16 – 18 October 2022 in Las Vegas, U.S.A. The team of experts looks forward to welcoming visitors to its on-site exhibition stand G12 to discuss the current state of the industry, measures to continue the recovery and opportunities for growth.

At the event, the aviation consultants will present their range of services tailored to a variety of industry stakeholders:

For airports, they present Lufthansa Consulting’s robust Air Service Development product that enables robust, data-driven discussions with airline network planners to drive route decisions. The service also factors in the increased importance of Air Cargo to the industry. Separately, they would like to present and discuss different performance simulation tools to assess a new route’s potential.

For airlines, the experts look forward to discussing their comprehensive suite of network planning services. The aviation industry is heading into a post-pandemic era of growth and opportunity, although there are some drivers of uncertainty. It is more important than ever to ensure an airline has a robust traffic forecast, the right network and partnership strategy, the optimal choice of aircraft, productive asset deployment and rigorous performance tracking.

For tourism stakeholders, the team addresses how to turn challenges into opportunities for a sustainable regrowth to the benefit of the entire tourism ecosystem of a destination in a post-COVID world.

Looking forward to a lively exchange with you in Vegas! Feel free to contact our expert team via the Routes App!
