India Refuses to Resume Passenger Flights to China Amid Ongoing Himalayan Border Tensions

By | 2024-06-27T16:04:03-04:00 June 25th, 2024|@AirGuide Business, Airline Business, Airlines, Airport Business, Security|

The Indian government remains firm in its decision not to authorize the resumption of passenger flights to and from China until the tensions at their shared Himalayan border subside, according to a report by Reuters. Beijing considers this issue a high priority, yet the stalemate persists.

Sources informed Reuters that the Chinese government has approached New Delhi multiple times in recent months, requesting the resumption of civilian air traffic. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, no scheduled passenger flights have operated between India and China.

Despite China’s repeated pleas, a senior Indian government official, speaking anonymously, stated that progress in talks would only occur if “there is peace and tranquility on the border.” The longstanding territorial dispute between the two nations, which dates back to the 1960s, escalated dramatically in 2020 when deadly skirmishes resulted in the loss of soldiers’ lives on both sides.

While airlines from India and China engage in discussions with their respective governments, the resumption of passenger flights remains on hold. However, cargo flights between the two countries continue without interruption. Airlines such as Emirates, Sichuan Airlines, YTO Cargo Airlines, and China Eastern Airlines continue to operate scheduled cargo flights, as indicated by the ch-aviation schedules module.

By | 2024-06-27T16:04:03-04:00 June 25th, 2024|@AirGuide Business, Airline Business, Airlines, Airport Business, Security|