Insights from ALPA President Advocating for Dual Pilot System in Commercial Aircraft Cockpits


In a recent conversation with Simple Flying on August 22, Jason Ambrosi, President of the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), delved into critical concerns related to pilot supply and safety within the United States aviation landscape. In light of challenges involving crewing and compensation, Ambrosi highlighted the significance of maintaining two proficient pilots in the cockpit for enhanced safety measures. The interview shed light on several pivotal aspects, underscoring the rationale for this approach.

A Case for Dual Pilot System
Jason Ambrosi underscored the crucial role that two trained pilots play in ensuring the safety of commercial aviation. He cited a poignant incident involving a pilot’s sudden incapacitation during flight, highlighting the potential risks to cabin crew and passengers when only one qualified pilot is present. Ambrosi raised concerns regarding certain international airlines’ ambitions to operate long-distance flights with a single pilot in the cockpit, supplemented by a relief pilot on standby. However, Ambrosi cautioned against compromising safety for cost-cutting measures and advocated for consistent dual pilot presence for optimal safety assurance.

Navigating Technological Distractions
While acknowledging the growing prevalence of advanced technology in modern cockpits, Ambrosi emphasized the need to effectively manage these technological distractions. He noted that pilots must maintain a delicate balance between leveraging technology’s benefits and reverting to manual flying skills when required. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) itself recognizes that pilots may need to disengage from technology in certain situations to ensure safe operations. Ambrosi’s perspective aligned with a sentiment expressed by pilot-author Karlene Pettit, who emphasized the importance of understanding aircraft systems despite technological advancements.

Human Expertise vs. Artificial Intelligence
When questioned about the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to replace pilots, Ambrosi firmly asserted that no foreseeable technological advancement could replace the expertise, competence, and vigilance of two well-trained and rested pilots in the cockpit. He dispelled the notion of AI fully supplanting human pilots and their ability to make informed decisions in complex scenarios.

Addressing Pilot Shortage
Regarding concerns surrounding pilot shortages, Ambrosi stated that the United States has an ample supply of pilots to meet market needs. However, he pointed out that the training backlog caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the availability of pilots. Despite acknowledging the Regional Airline Association’s efforts to address service reductions in certain communities, Ambrosi expressed concerns about pilot training and readiness, particularly within regional airlines. He highlighted the need to ensure that co-pilots possess the necessary training and experience to uphold safety standards.

Commitment to Safety and Well-Being
Ambrosi reiterated ALPA’s commitment to creating a safe and inclusive workplace environment, emphasizing a zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment. ALPA actively addresses instances of harassment, providing support and a safe avenue for addressing concerns. Furthermore, Ambrosi acknowledged the importance of comprehensive support for pilots battling addiction, acknowledging the stringent scrutiny that pilots undergo due to the high level of responsibility associated with their profession.

Enhancing Cockpit Security
The absence of secondary barriers in cockpits remains a concern for ALPA. While appreciative of the advancements in cockpit safety, Ambrosi highlighted the need for retroactively installing secondary barriers and ensuring that cargo aircraft meet the same stringent safety standards as passenger planes.

Positive Impacts on Compensation
Ambrosi highlighted how effective collective bargaining, exemplified by the Alaska Airlines pilots’ union agreement, set a precedent for elevating pilots’ compensation across various carriers. The leadership of Alaska Airlines’ pilots’ union played a pivotal role in influencing favorable negotiations for pilots’ pay at other major airlines.

In summary, the conversation with Jason Ambrosi illuminated the steadfast commitment of ALPA to ensuring aviation safety through a well-established dual pilot system, managing technological distractions, prioritizing human expertise, and addressing concerns surrounding pilot supply and workplace well-being. Amid challenges, Ambrosi’s insights emphasized the indomitable resolve of aviation professionals to uphold safety, operational excellence, and mutual support.

Sources: AirGuide Business,, ALPA
