Nepal’s Yeti Airlines to Acquire ATR72-600s

By | 2024-06-26T10:36:47-04:00 June 26th, 2024|@AirGuide Business, Aircraft Business, Airline Business|

Yeti Airlines (YT) is set to expand its fleet with the acquisition of three ATR72-600s, backed by Asian Life Insurance, according to Kathmandu’s Bizmandu outlet. The airline is currently evaluating the aircraft type and engaging in discussions with potential suppliers.

Chairman Lhakpa Sonam Sherpa revealed that Yeti Airlines plans to purchase used ATR72-600s that are approximately eight to nine years old to avoid delays in delivery. He emphasized that training for pilots and ground staff is already in progress to ensure seamless operations. As one of Nepal’s largest domestic airlines, Yeti Airlines currently operates a fleet of seven ATR72-500s, servicing eight airports across the country.

Earlier this year, Yeti Airlines CEO Subhas Sapkota stated that the airline was looking to expand its existing fleet due to strong passenger demand, initially considering additional ATR72-500s. The latest development indicates a shift towards acquiring ATR72-600s. ch-aviation has reached out to Yeti Airlines for further comments on this update.

In a significant investment move late last year, Kathmandu-based Asian Life Insurance acquired a 49% stake in Yeti Airlines for NPR 1.75 billion (USD 13.1 million), providing substantial financial backing for the airline’s expansion plans.

By | 2024-06-26T10:36:47-04:00 June 26th, 2024|@AirGuide Business, Aircraft Business, Airline Business|