Southwest Pilot Crawls Through Plane’s Window After Being Locked Out of Cockpit


A hilarious incident unfolded when a Southwest Airlines pilot found himself locked out of the cockpit just before takeoff. A passenger managed to capture the comical moment as the pilot resorted to crawling through the window of the plane.

The photo, shared by Matt Rexroad on Twitter, shows the pilot standing on an airstar next to the plane’s windscreen, with his upper body stretched inside as he tried to open the door.

In his tweet, Rexroad explained the situation, saying, “No joke… yesterday last passenger got off plane with no one else on board, he shut the door. Door locked.”

Rexroad, who was a passenger on the Southwest flight from San Diego to Sacramento, shared the photo and CBS News covered the story.

Southwest Airlines responded to the photo, injecting humor by stating, “Definitely something you don’t see everyday.” They also expressed their appreciation for Rexroad’s support, adding, “We love you, Matt!”

The incident drew disbelief from Twitter users, with some expressing surprise that cockpit windows could even be opened. Others playfully questioned why the pilot didn’t attempt using a coat hanger to solve the problem.

Interestingly, this isn’t the first time a pilot has found themselves locked out of the cockpit. In a TikTok video from last year, an American Airlines pilot was seen climbing into the plane through the windscreen.

As of now, neither Matt Rexroad nor Southwest Airlines have responded to requests for comment from Insider outside of regular office hours.

This amusing episode highlights the unexpected moments that can occur in the world of aviation, reminding us that even professionals encounter quirky situations from time to time.
