WSS responds to SmartSky Networks arbitration decision


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Wireless Systems Solutions (WSS) has requested a federal court to vacate or modify a decision issued in an arbitration proceeding with SmartSky Networks LLC (SSN).

In September 2021, SmartSky was awarded over US$12 million in damages, legal expenses, and sanctions in a conflict over misappropriation of Intellectual Property.

WSS has now filed a request in a federal court to vacate or modify a decision in response to arbitration of legal claims by its former customer, SmartSky Networks, LLC. The appeal was filed on Tuesday, 27 October 2021.

Although WSS has not commented on all the details at this time, the company says several issues demanded a federal court response.

According to a statement issued by WSS, the basis of this request is predicated on a number of factors, including several procedural rulings by the arbitrators that severely prejudiced WSS and other Defendants. WSS also contends that the arbitrators improperly imposed penalties and costs on Defendants in contravention of both North Carolina and Federal law.

In referring to the permanent injunction in its press release, SSN fails to mention certain key factors that significantly narrow the scope of the injunction.

“WSS is optimistic with respect to its next generation (5G) product lines that improve performance metrics at all levels, which it will be rolling out in the near term,” said Laslo Gross, Director of Product Marketing at WSS. “Healthy competition leads to better market offerings for customers as it will be the customers who ultimately decide which market players succeed or fail.”
