1.3 million Passengers Passed Through Dublin Airport in February


The number of passengers travelling through Dublin Airport totalled 1.3 million in February, an increase of 1.2 million passengers compared to February 2021, but -35% lower in comparison with pre-Covid19 conditions in February 2020.

The February figures point to continued positive progress once again in the number of passengers travelling through Dublin Airport, with the world starting to emerge from the grip of the COVID19 pandemic.

Over 2.3m passengers have travelled through Dublin Airport in the first two months of the year, representing an 44% decrease when compared to pre COVID levels in 2020, and an increase of 626% versus last year.

Passenger volumes to and from Continental Europe totalled 755,000 in February, an increase of 693,000 versus the same month last year, but down -26% compared with February 2020.

The number of passengers travelling to and from the UK in February totalled 443,000, an increase of 423,000 compared to February 2021, but down -43% compared to the same month in 2020.

Passengers volumes to and from North America remained subdued in February. In total, 90,000 passengers travelled on transatlantic routes in the month, which was 76,000 passengers more than in February 2021, but -50% lower when compared to pre-Covid levels in 2020.

Other international activity also remains considerably below pre-COVID 19 levels. Other international passengers totalled 34,000 in February, which was 25,000 higher than a year previous, but -44% compared to February 2020.

When it comes to domestic activity, the number of passengers flying on domestic routes in February amounted to 5,000. That was an increase of 4,500 on the same month last year, but -25% in comparison with February 2020.
