25 European Destinations for World War History Buffs


No matter where you go in Europe, the ghosts of World War I and World War II are never far behind. From major metropolises that still sport battle scars to otherwise peaceful fields that witnessed war and have now turned into places of pilgrimage for people wanting to pay their respects, the shadow of the two World Wars of the 20th century is still being cast.

There’s no question that the opportunity to learn more about the two World Wars and how they were fought and ultimately won is a major draw of visitors to Europe and the following 25 are all places where you will learn about a particular aspect of one of the wars and come away more informed—and probably a bit moved, too.

Contrary to most of the activities you’re likely to be doing on your trip, visiting these historic World War sights in Europe may present a mixture of emotions, but they may just end up leaving the biggest impression on you.
