5 Authentic Experiences To Help You Discover Chile


Travel is about more than just visiting those tourist-heavy attractions; it’s about having authentic experiences that connect you with a new part of the world, a different culture and diverse peoples. Travel can expand your mind, broaden your perspectives and help you create lasting memories and relationships.

Chile, with people almost as diverse as its landscape, is a great destination for experiencing the world’s uniqueness. From the Andes to Antarctica, this country is truly one that demands to be explored in unique ways.

In the country’s northern region lies the “Garden of the Atacama,” the Huasco Valley. A trip to this region will take you on an exploration of the region’s important crop, olives, which were brought by the Spaniards when the region was first colonized. The area offers plenty of eco- and agro-tourism options to enjoy along the Route of Olives, including orchard tours and olive tasting demonstrations.

Visitors to this area will also learn about Diaguita culture. A trip into the wilderness will provide some of the most incredible opportunities for stargazing, and Huasco Valley is also where the Llanos de Challe Park is located, which is not to be missed.

Moving south to central Chile is the Laguna del Laja World Biosphere Reserve. Located within this reserve is Ecobox Andino, a mountain refuge with four cabins that operate on sustainable energy and reduce their environmental impact. Whether you’ll be touring Chile and only staying for a few days before hitting the road again or if you’ll take the time to sit and reflect on your forested surroundings, a stay at the Ecobox Andino is a great option for sustainable travel.

A true cultural experience lies in the mountains just a ways away from Santiago, called the Route of the Living Treasures. As a collaboration between local communities, the route’s inhabitants welcome travelers along the way as they travel by horse or mule. Each guide will teach you how to take care of your mount and how to guide your way by the stars through the hill country. Cultural immersion and sustainable travel are highlights of this experience.

The island of Chiloé is the second largest in South America and boasts a unique culture of its own. From its completely wooden churches to its brightly painted houses and businesses that hover on stilts above the cove, Castro, the island’s capital, is a perfect place for someone looking to explore and immerse themselves in something quite different. Visitors to the island can enjoy Castro’s farmer’s market before heading to a cooking class, where a chef will teach them how to make the island’s signature dishes.

One of the most popular places to explore in Chile is the Patagonia region, known for its penguins and glacial topography. If you want to get as close to the landscape and its animals as possible, stay at the Ecocamp, the world’s first carbon-neutral geodesic dome hotel, which is located deep within the Torres del Paine National Park. Built by the native Káweskar people, sustainability is at the forefront of this accommodation, which also provides excursions to help maximize your experience.

Traveling responsibly in Chile is easy, and these five experiences are just some of the incredible experiences this South American country has to offer its visitors.

To learn more about Chile, please click here.
