640,000 passengers flew with Norwegian in February


Norwegian’s traffic figures for February show that the number of passengers has remained stable over the second month of the year. 640,000 passengers flew with the company and load factor was over 81 percent. In February, ticket sales reached the highest level since the outbreak of the pandemic in March 2020.

In February, Norway and many European countries removed entry rules and other measures and restrictions associated with the pandemic.

“February is traditionally a month with lower travel demand, however, figures have remained comparable to the month of January. We are particularly pleased that our aircraft have had a load factor of over 81 percent. When travel restrictions were lifted, we immediately noticed increased demand for flights. We will have a comprehensive summer program this year to meet this demand,” said Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian.

Norwegian carried 643,089 passengers in February, compared with 61,374 in February 2021. The load factor was 81.3 per cent. The capacity (ASK) was 1,089 million seat kilometres, while actual passenger traffic (RPK) was 885 million seat kilometres. In February, Norwegian had an average of 44 aircraft in operation, and 99.8 per cent of scheduled flights were operated. Punctuality was 87.8 percent.

During the summer program, 280 routes to 38 destinations are planned, and Norwegian will have around 70 aircraft in operation. The company has noted a very positive development in future bookings over the last period, and monitors closely the uncertain situation in Europe, the turmoil in the financial markets and the change in oil prices.
