Meet Massimiliano Stanco


Massimiliano Stanco, the talented and innovative designer, has enchanted the world of classic, elegant fashion as can be seen in his designs and products.

He was born in New York from first generation Italians. His father an engineer and his mother a school teacher. They lived in the United States, until as a family, they retuned to Italy in the eighties. His parents instilled in Massimiliano their passion and love of Italy. They inspired his enthusiasm for design which led him to attend the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Firenze, in Florence, where he studied photography and architectural design.

Creative from an early age, he was shaped by his surroundings. The beautiful landscapes of the Italian countryside, its people, architecture and exceptional art found inside and outside of museums. His particular interest was in geometrical design and architecture. He spent hours designing imaginary cities, ultra modern high-rise buildings, and aircraft interiors. His passions then expanded as he developed a love for leather goods and fashion.

“I have always been inspired by sophisticated cars and aircraft, it is not only the beauty of the design but also the attention to detail. I aspire to combine design and innovation, just like a classic car; The Maserati Quattroporte, classic, beautiful, inside and out. A classic car that never fades away, no matter how old it gets”.

Massimiliano was heavily influenced by the two cultures he lived between. He feels this helped him to take his passion for fashion to the next level. He created his very first bag prototypes in the attic of an old country house in Italy, typical of many traditional Italian artisans. He realized the need for practicality of form from his many American influences. He fuses the renaissance and elegance of Italy with the modernity and flair of New York, keeping every line still simple yet functional.

The Vanvitelli handmade briefcase was shown to Stanco’s uncle who produces very sophisticated English style leather horse-saddles in Avellino, Italy. When his uncle saw the beauty and quality of the work he was excited to work closely with Stanco’s team for the production of his extensive handmade collection including the handmade accessories. This eventually merged into a wonderful, collaborative partnership. Every Massimiliano Stanco product is authentic and created using time-honored artisanal techniques that ensure the highest level of quality of the “Made in Italy” brand.

“Creating the first Vanvitelli briefcase prototype was one of the most satisfying accomplishments in my life. I would look at it for days, having it in front of me while listening to music and envisioning how it might evolve”.

The collection has expanded into footwear and smaller accessories applying luxurious leathers and materials with custom made designs by Stanco.

“I have always been ambitious and for me the most important job of a designer is to continually find new points of view. I believe that one passion may lead to another, until the suitable one finds you”.
