Video technology and remote food ordering service


Earlier this year, Edinburgh Airport invested in a new video technology to provide better contact between passengers with reduced mobility and staff upon arrival. The airport has invested a total of £425,000 in the call points which are located at critical locations of the passenger journey such as the long stay car park, the drop-off area, coach park and tram stop. The initiative follows direct feedback from PRM passengers and from the airport’s Special Assistance Consultative Committee, and is the latest improvement to the PRM and special assistance offering.

In another initiative, Edinburgh Airport is currently trialling a mobile ordering service, enabling passengers with reduced mobility to order food & beverages with ease.

Using the FetchyFox platform, staff will be able to ask PRMs if they would like to order food from restaurants in the departure lounge and have it delivered to them. The innovative technology is being trialled with Barburrito and The Gathering Deli, with a view to extending the service once the trial has been evaluated.
