U.S. Turbine Bizav Fatalities Reach Record High in 2019


Although there were no fatal accidents of U.S.-registered business jets in the second half of last year, the 21 fatalities from accidents involving business jets in the first half were the highest number since the previous record level of 30 deaths in 2014 (all occurring under Part 91). An additional 55 fatalities from turboprop accidents (all except one under Part 91) further increased the total number of deaths for the full year to 76, a level not previously reached since 2006.

According to preliminary figures gathered by AIN, a single Part 135 business jet accident last year resulted in 13 fatalities. Records do not show a previous death count that high in a single business jet charter flight. Also last year, eight people died in four Part 91 mishaps. In 2018, there were no Part 135 fatalities, but 10 people lost their lives in four Part 91 crashes.

Historically, fatalities from Part 91 turboprop accidents far exceed those from business jets. Last year was no exception. In 2019, 54 people died in 11 Part 91 U.S.-registered turboprop accidents and one death resulted from a sole Part 135 mishap. In 2018, six turboprop accidents (all under Part 91) were fatal to 16.

In 2019, one private non-U.S.-registered business jet suffered a fatal accident in which one person died. Also last year, three died in the crash of a chartered jet. In 2018, three private jet accidents resulted in 16 deaths. Non-fatal accidents doubled year over year from six to 12. Meanwhile, seven accidents in 2019 involving non-N-numbered turboprops were fatal to 30 compared with 19 killed in five accidents in 2018.

