EASA certifies ClearVision with head-wearable display


Universal Avionics Systems has received European Union Aviation Safety Agency certification for its ClearVision enhanced flight vision system (EFVS) with SkyLens head-wearable display, the first time that a head-wearable display has been certified for civil aviation. This approval will allow operators to use the “visual advantage” available with the ClearVision EFVS to initiate instrument approaches or take off in lower flight visibility, which will help operators meet schedules and avoid having to divert to alternate airports.

The ClearVision EFVS works with traditional head-up displays (HUD), head-down (instrument-panel-mounted) displays, and Universal’s SkyLens head-wearable display. ClearVision can display enhanced vision and synthetic vision system imagery, and it can combine those images in a combined vision format. An advantage of the SkyLens head-wearable display is that its field of view is not limited as is the case with a traditional HUD or head-down displays. The SkyLens field of view (or “field of regard,” as Universal describes it) is basically unlimited and depends on where the pilot is looking.
