Hackers steal EasyJet customers’ data


British LCC easyJet has announced that data of nearly nine million of its customers has been stolen by computer hackers. The airline said the attack was a “highly sophisticated” cyberattack on its systems but has not disclosed which email addresses and travel details have been stolen.

Of the nine million affected passengers, more than 2,208 have had their credit card details stolen, reports the Guardian. The airline has stated that it will be contacting customers directly within the next few days.

In a statement carried by the Guardian, easyJet’s chief executive Johan Lundgren said,

“We would like to apologise to those customers who have been affected by this incident.

“Since we became aware of the incident, it has become clear that owing to Covid-19 there is heightened concern about personal data being used for online scams. As a result, and on the recommendation of the ICO, we are contacting those customers whose travel information was accessed and we are advising them to be extra vigilant, particularly if they receive unsolicited communications.”

easyJet has since stopped any unauthorised access and is working with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and the National Cyber Security Centre.
