Florida Governor Suspends Vacation Rentals


Vacation rentals are now temporarily prohibited in Florida due to the ongoing coronavirus outbreak.

Governor Ron DeSantis signed an order that bars vacation rentals, including Airbnbs, from renting rooms and homes to vacationers through April 10 and possibly longer.

Vacation rental companies are currently prohibited from taking new reservations and they cannot accept new guests for check-in for the duration of the order. However, hotels, motels and resorts are not included in the governor’s order.

The order comes as officials in Florida believe COVID-19 is being brought into the state by travelers.

It states that: “Florida is experiencing an increase in individuals fleeing to Florida from out-of-state locations where ‘shelter-in-place’ orders are being implemented and/or community spread exists.”

People who are currently staying in a vacation rental are not affected by the order.

The order also exempts Military, emergency, governmental, health and travelers who are traveling for commercial activities.

The ban is overseen by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) and those in violation of the order will lose rental licenses and could be charged with a second-degree misdemeanor.
