Airbnb Launches Online Experiences


Airbnb has launched Online Experiences in an effort to help both hosts and guests connect, experience virtual travel and earn income during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Highlights of the new program include virtual activities for families, fun meetings for co-workers and exciting features for groups

Examples of the new Online Experiences include learning the secrets of magic, making coffee with a professional coffee taster and bartending with experts.

Airbnb has partnered with several local organizations to offer these new experiences free of charge, including SAGE—the world’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBT older people—National Council on Aging (NCOA), Associazione Nazionale Alpini and Amigos de los Mayores.

“Human connection is at the core of what we do. With so many people needing to stay indoors to protect their health, we want to provide an opportunity for our hosts to connect with our global community of guests in the only way possible right now, online,” said Catherine Powell, Head of Airbnb Experiences, in a statement.

“Millions of elders aren’t able to go outside and risk their health due to the current crisis, and need activities to help them stay connected to the world around them,” added SAGE CEO Michael Adams. “Through our partnership with Airbnb, SAGE is able to give older members of LGBT communities across the country an opportunity to not only meet other people but also learn a new hobby and travel to nearly anywhere around the world, all from the safety of their home. This is what partnership and connection is all about.”

Booking is open now for dozens of virtual Airbnb Experiences available at, with more to come in the next few months.
