Air India Express 737 crashes at Calicut Airport


A Boeing 737-800 operated by Air India Express crash-landed and broke into two pieces after skidding off the runway at Calicut Airport in Kerala state initial reports from India’s Directorate General of Civil Aviation. The airline confirmed the accident involving its flight IX-1344 from Dubai, which landed at 7:41 p.m. local time.

A statement released by the airline’s parent group Air India said there were 174 passengers on board and seven flight crew. On the 9 August, local authorities reported that 18 people, including both pilots, had died in the accident. India’s Aircraft Accident Investigation Bureau has confirmed that it has located the 737’s flight data and cockpit voice recorders.

Reports indicate that the pilots made three attempted landings the first on Runway 10, then Runway 28, and finally again on Runway 10. Local media reports state that it was raining heavily at the time of the accident and the region is currently in its monsoon season.
