Navy SEAL Who Killed bin Laden Banned From Delta for Not Wearing a Mask


Anyone thinking the airlines were not taking mask mandates seriously should think again.

Delta has banned former Navy SEAL, Robert O’Neill, who killed terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, for refusing to wear a mask on a previous flight.

O’Neill took a selfie on Wednesday during a flight, captioned it with a disparaging remark about the mask requirement and posted the photo to Twitter. “I’m not a p–y” he tweeted.

Delta banned O’Neill the following day despite the fact that the former Navy SEAL deleted the image and the tweet five hours after posting. He later tweeted that he had the mask in his lap when he took the photo.

Delta released a statement regarding the incident.

“Part of every customer’s commitment prior to traveling on Delta is the requirement to acknowledge our updated travel policies, which includes wearing a mask. Failure to comply with our mask-wearing mandate can result in losing the ability to fly Delta in the future,” a Delta spokesperson said.
