Recaro Aircraft Seating and Airbus meet to exchange ideas


Recaro Aircraft Seating and Airbus leadership met to collaborate on ideas to effectively manage the crisis. The meeting took place at Recaro headquarters in Schwaebisch Hall on August 6, 2020.

“Our strong partnership with Airbus is a great foundation for brainstorming sessions like this,” said Dr. Mark Hiller, CEO and Shareholder of Recaro Aircraft Seating. “We have supported each other on numerous projects over the years, and I look forward to continuing down this path together.”

Numerous topics were discussed during the meeting, including various cabin and product topics through the lens of creating a safer and more hygienic flight experience. Airbus leadership also toured the Recaro production facility and new space2grow expansion site, which features a new crash facility, flame lab and new customer service center.

Recaro and Airbus have worked jointly on numerous projects through the years. Most recently, Recaro collaborated on a smart cabin concept with Airbus, which aims to provide guests with a more personalized travel experience.

Recaro has seating solutions on all Airbus aircraft models, including the A350 and A330, which are equipped with the Recaro business class seating products.
