Flight Attendant Shares Emotional Message on Last Flight Before Being Furloughed


An American Airlines flight attendant delivered a heartfelt message to passengers on her final flight before being furloughed.

Breaunna Ross shared a video of the three-minute message along with a photo of a note she received from one of the passengers in a Facebook post Sunday night.

“As all of you know the airline industry has been impacted greatly by this global pandemic. Unfortunately, this is my last working day before that day comes. I will never forget seeing your faces today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the kindness shown on today’s flight,” Ross said over the loudspeaker.

“I also want to personally thank each and every one of you for choosing to fly American today. This job was an escape for me after being unhappy with my job after graduating from college. It was a job that awarded me many opportunities. A job that I fell in love with. I have been to places I thought I’d never have the opportunity to go and places I never knew existed. I’ve met people from all walks of life and made friendships that will last the rest of my life,” she added, fighting back tears.

“With so much happening in the world, you never know how small actions can impact the next person. Please be kind to one another, practice compassion with everyone and live with acceptance of yourself and others,” Ross encouraged.

American Airlines is set to furlough more than 8,000 flight attendants and 1,600 pilots beginning Thursday under the provisions of grants and loans received from the CARES Act back in March. The carrier isn’t alone, however, as tens of thousands of jobs are at risk industry-wide.

On Sunday, American CEO Doug Parker expressed optimism that airlines will receive additional aid from the U.S. government, telling CBS’ Face the Nation that “there’s enormous bipartisan support for it,” and he’s “actually confident we can get it done.”
