Bees Airline lifts off with AMOS


Bees Airline a new start-up airline in Ukraine has selected AMOS to support its operations.

The current market environment appears to be ideal for such start-ups – Bees Airline being just one of them. The “start-up-tailored” offer Swiss-AS proposed for the airline newcomer was the dealmaker. The start-up will begin in early 2021 and rely on a renowned and well-known system that will help Bees Airline to achieve its operational goals. The two aircraft in their fleet are already managed by AMOS. Therefore, an AMOS-to-AMOS data transfer is required, which will proceed smoothly due to the AMOS standard transfer programs being readily available. This combined with the extensive and up-to-date AMOS knowledge of the users leads to the expectation that Bees Airline will go live with the AMOS Airline Edition in the shortest possible time.

The newest member of the community will implement AMOS “as-is”, without any customer-specific software changes and fully rely on the proven best-in-class processes that come with AMOS.

AMOS is a comprehensive, fully-integrated MRO software solution being developed and distributed by Swiss AviationSoftware. Swiss-AS, a 100% subsidiary of Swiss International Air Lines has more than 190 customers worldwide and belongs to the industry-leading MRO software providers. Our loyal customer base includes pure operators of all sizes, major low-cost, regional and flag carriers, large airline groups and MRO providers. In the Americas and in Asia, AMOS is distributed through a partnership with Lufthansa Systems.
