New Health Passport for Cross-Border Air Travel Debuts


VST Enterprises, a British cybersecurity company, unveiled V-Health Passport, a health passport for cross-border air travel.

“We are the first technology company in the world to have developed a secure, multipurpose, cross corporate and cross-government digital health passport that does not rely on using bar codes or QE [Quick Responses] codes as its authentication technology,” said Louis-James Davis, VST Enterprises CEO and inventor of the VCode technology and V-Health Passport.

“We developed and built the V-Health Passport and health wallet to be the most secure technology on the planet that you could use as a health passport where you could combine your test status, vaccination record, boarding pass, airline ticket, music or sports ticket all in one app.”

It can be accessed through VST Enterprises’ website or from the Apple App store or Google Play.

The V-Health Passport platform includes vaccination records of top vaccination manufacturers, “which will be crucial in a person validating they have been vaccinated, the vaccine type, batch, dosage and date,” the company said.

“With V-Health Passport, we wanted to provide functionality and greater mobility to allow citizens to return to work, be fit to fly or return to the sports stadiums,” Davis said. “But at the heart of the technology was the ability to protect and respect data privacy of the individual.”
