Alaska Airlines Bans Passengers After Harassing Flight Crew


Fourteen passengers have been banned from Alaska Airlines for their rowdy, unruly behavior and for refusing to wear masks on a flight from Dulles International Airport.

The group also harassed the flight crew and made passengers feel uncomfortable during the flight from Washington, D.C.

“Last night, a number of passengers on board Alaska Airlines Flight 1085 from Washington Dulles to Seattle were non-mask compliant, rowdy, argumentative and harassed our crew members,” Ray Lane, an airline spokesman wrote in an email. “Their behavior was unacceptable. We apologize to our other guests who were made uncomfortable on the flight.”

Alaska referred to their behavior as “unacceptable,” and will not allow them to travel with the airline again.

Airline officials said: “We will not tolerate any disturbance onboard our aircraft or at any of the airports we serve,” according to a report on KIRO.

Law enforcement was not involved, said Perry Cooper, a spokesman for SEA Airport, but were on standby. Alaska Airlines handled the situation.
