Indonesia’s TransNusa set to acquire ARJ21s


China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings Limited (CALC) and TransNusa (8B, Kupang) have entered into a firm order agreement with COMAC (Shanghai Pudong) for the purchase of thirty ARJ21-700s with options for a further 30 of the type. The Chinese firm said in a stock market filing that once deliveries start in 2026, the aircraft will be placed with the Indonesian carrier through CALC Leasing. Through its majority-owned Cayman Islands’ vehicle Aviation Synergy Ltd, CALC indirectly holds a 49% equity stake in TransNusa. It claims to be beneficially interested in 50% of the airline’s voting rights and 75% of its economic interest. The remainder is held by an Indonesian shareholder, PT Panca Global International Indonesia, which is itself controlled by one Leo Budiman. The ch-aviation fleets advanced module shows TransNusa is currently dormant with its fleet of one ATR42-500, seven ATR72-600s, one BAe 146-100, and one BAe 146-200 all currently parked at various airfields around Indonesia. As such, it will become the ARJ21’s Indonesian launch operator once aircraft begin arriving. Operationally, TransNusa specialises in flights throughout the Indonesian archipelago targetting Nusa Tenggara and Sulawesi in particular.
