The Hiccup Effect: Australia points 2021 direction for int’l aviation


Australia’s leading health official on 18-Jan-2021 announced his belief that national border restrictions on international travel were likely to remain in place for the duration of 2021.

On 17- and 18-Jan-2021, Australia recorded no new locally acquired cases of coronavirus, the first time in many months, with constant monitoring and tracing.

Meanwhile, China is constantly recalibrating its inbound air services as coronavirus cases occur.


  • Australians will be restricted in their international travel plans at least until 2022.
  • Border restrictions and hotel quarantine rules are likely to remain in place throughout 2021.
  • More importantly, this may well illustrate the likely thinking of many medical authorities as international travel seeks to resume
  • China, meanwhile, is constantly recalibrating its international market access where cases are diagnosed
  • These examples suggest that re-establishing international air travel in 2021 will be challenging – for airlines and for travellers