CAPA Live: Azul Brazilian Airlines uses a range of tools in crisis


At the CAPA Live Jan-2021 conference, Brazilian LCC Azul’s chief revenue officer Abhi Shah talked to CAPA about the outlook for the airline. The airline’s domestic capacity is only down 4% y-o-y.

Brazil’s Azul has used what it deems to be its inherent unique advantages – a flexible fleet and unassailable network – to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the company has also embraced outside-the-box thinking in order to ensure it remains competitive once a full recovery is underway.

Azul will continue to use all of those elements as it works its way out of the COVID-19 crisis, and the airline remains confident in its longer term view that Brazil’s growth potential remains firmly intact.


  • Azul believes that all the competitive attributes it had in place before the pandemic has been powerful tools during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • The pandemic has also resulted in the airline thinking outside the box, which should allow Azul to continue towards a solid recovery.