Southwest Airlines Ramp Agent Reunites Toddler With Buzz Lightyear


Southwest Airlines is renowned for its sales and exceptional customer service, but the low-cost carrier certainly isn’t resting on its laurels.

A Southwest ramp agent named Jason recently went above and beyond his job description to ensure that one of the airline’s youngest customers was reunited with one of his favorite toys after a flight to Dallas.

“Hagen and his family had landed at Dallas Love Field and were already driving off in a rental car when they realized Hagen’s special buddy was left behind on the plane. By the time they noticed, the plane was already well on the way to its next destination. Eventually, the aircraft made it to Little Rock, where it was scheduled to terminate for the night. That’s where Jason, a Ramp Agent at LIT, noticed Hagen’s left-behind buddy,” the airline said in a Facebook post on Wednesday. “Jason knew someone was missing their friend badly, so he began some investigating to discover who he belonged to. Soon, a name written on the bottom of the boot caught Jason’s eye: ‘Hagen.’ After more digging, Jason learned there was only one ‘Hagen’ who had traveled on that aircraft that day. Instantly, Jason came up with a plan.”

“A few days later, Hagen and his family received a special surprise in the mail. Not only was his buddy returned but he arrived in a hand-decorated box, complete with a letter describing his mission at Southwest Airlines, and pictures to boot,” Southwest added.

“There’s definitely not enough good in this world, and for someone to take the time out of their day to do that for strangers means the world to us,” Ashley, Hagen’s mom said.

Unsurprisingly, the heartwarming post has inspired tens of thousands of likes and shares and thousands of comments, most of which are in support of the airline and its employees.

“Southwest does a great job surprising their young passengers. My son got a surprise poster and letter after his first official flight from a Southwest employee who sat next to us,” wrote one commenter. “Thanks for making your little passengers feel really special.”

“Jason is the man!!!” said another. “I hope Southwest does something nice for him. Jason, you bring hope to mankind, not all is lost! Great job!”
