Two Women Fight in the Aisle of American Airlines Flight


Welcome to Naughty Passengers, Volume No. 6,882.

An argument between two women over who gets to exit the plane first devolved into an all-out fistfight last week.

The incident happened on American Airlines Flight 2275 after it landed on Phoenix and taxied to the gate. American confirmed it to Fox News.

“American received a report of an alleged altercation between two customers while waiting to deplane from flight 2275 from Los Angeles (LAX) to Phoenix (PHX),” a spokesperson said.

A passenger on the plane took a video of the incident and posted it to her Twitter account, @katebytheocean0.

In the clip, several passengers can be seen standing in the aisle, presumably in preparation to deplane. Footage of the women fighting is taken from a distance and can barely be seen, but shouting and screaming — from the brawlers and the frustrated passengers — can be heard in the video.

In what is becoming an all-too-often occurrence on flights, a crew member says over the intercom to “Call for law enforcement, call for law enforcement.”

There were no reported injuries according to the airline.
