Virgin Atlantic To Test IATA Travel Pass and TrustAssure


Virgin Atlantic will launch IATA Travel Pass and TrustAssure trials on some of its flights beginning in April and March respectively.

Beginning on April 16, 2021 and lasting one month, Virgin Atlantic will request its passengers traveling to Barbados from London-Heathrow to use the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Travel Pass smartphone app. Participants will download the app on their smartphones and create a digital ID with a profile photo, passport information and COVID-19 credentials.

Singapore International Airlines became the first airline in the world to begin live trials with the IATA Travel Pass. Virgin Atlantic is the first airline in the United Kingdom to begin these trials. The app is currently being considered by governments around the world to help travelers easily verify that they satisfy the required health criteria to travel internationally. Future versions of the app will also include vaccination records.

Beginning on March 29, 2021, Virgin Atlantic will begin implementing TrustAssure for customers traveling to the United States to verify COVID-19 test results digitally. Each customer’s documentation can be uploaded via TrustAssure’s website and can be validated in less than two minutes. Customers will then be given a QR code to check in to their flight.

Both the IATA Travel Pass and TrustAssure store personal information locally on users’ phones, so users have complete control over how their information is used or shared.

“In parallel to the UK’s successful vaccination program and accompanied by a risk-based, phased easing of restrictions, we can see a flightpath to soon allow the safe restart of international travel at scale, in time for summer,” said Cornell Koster, Chief Customer & Operating Officer, Virgin Atlantic. “When the skies reopen, rapid, affordable testing combined with digital health integration will be vital to streamline and simplify the customer experience, make border health checks manageable and build consumer confidence. Governments, industry and technology companies need to work together to lead the adoption of digital solutions with global common standards that are accepted at borders.”

For more information, please visit Virgin Atlantic.
