Anguilla Earns Level 1 Notice From CDC, Launches New Tourism Campaign


Anguilla has received the CDC’s Level 1 classification, the lowest possible risk level for COVID-19, and the Anguilla Tourist Board (ATB) has created the “Lose the Crowd, Find Yourself” campaign for the island nation’s official reopening.

As of July 1, all visitors to Anguilla must be fully vaccinated for at least three weeks prior to entering the country. Visitors must still apply for entry and receive a negative COVID-19 PCR test three to five days prior to arrival. Visitors will no longer have to be tested upon arrival and can travel freely throughout the island.

In response to this new reopening, the Anguilla Tourist Board (ATB) has created a new reopening campaign, which is split into three phases or ‘seasons.’ It will target travel partners and potential consumers with advertising, social media and more.

“Our focus is on the US market as American travelers have been the first to resume travel, having the least travel restrictions and greatest access, and so much pent-up demand,” said Chantelle Richardson, Coordinator, International Markets. “We look forward to engaging with our travel advisor partners in-market, who have supported us throughout by sending their clients as soon as we reopened our borders.

Season 1 will begin June 18 and end on June 30. A delegation from the ATB, consisting of Stacey Liburd, Director of Tourism, Chantelle Richardson, Coordinator, International Markets as well as representatives from the island’s best resorts will visit Dallas, Atlanta, Tampa, Ft. Lauderdale and Miami to promote the island. They’ll also meet with Virtuoso travel advisors and advisors from leading agencies like FROSCH, Travel Experts, Pro Travel and more.

Season 2 will see the delegation move to cities in the northeast, like Boston, New York City, Philadelphia and Washington. Season 3 will move to the west coast to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix.

“The campaign strategy is grounded in our brand pillars – Romance, Adventure & Events, Culture, Family, Cuisine, Health & Wellness – and our imagery and messaging will reflect these experiences,” said Georgios Tserdakidis, Chief Marketing Officer. “We have created a series of videos and static ads based on the different brand pillars and the ‘Lose the Crowd’ brand slogans. Through social media stories and posts and strategic ad placements, we invite our guests to ‘Find Romance,’ ‘Find Adventure,’ ‘Find New Flavors,’ ‘Find Tranquility,’ or ‘Find a Community’ in Anguilla.”

For more information, please click here. Follow the ATB on Facebook:; Instagram: @Anguilla_Tourism; Twitter: @Anguilla_Trsm, Hashtag: #MyAnguilla to see the campaign in action.
