Ostend-Bruges and Antwerp Airport achieve Level 1 ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation


Egis’ Ostend-Bruges International Airport & Antwerp International airport have both reached the first level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme.

Ostend-Bruges International Airport and Antwerp International airport have both reached the first level of the Airport Carbon Accreditation programme, which independently assesses and recognises airports’ efforts to manage and reduce their CO2 emissions. In order to achieve this level 1 accreditation, the airports have mapped their CO2 emissions in detail and will endeavour to reduce their carbon footprint.

“Minimising the effects of our operations on the environment is an important ambition for the International Airports of Antwerp and Ostend-Bruges”, says CEO Eric Dumas. “We are aiming to reduce significantly the airports’ CO2 emissions by 2030 and aim to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. We believe that contributing to reducing our carbon footprint is our responsibility to future generations.”

Starting with concrete actions, both airports plan a replacement of the heating system and are looking to centralise the ventilation system in order to reduce emissions and prevent energy wastage.
