US Travel Applauds Congressional Hearing on Brand USA


Capitol Building, Washington D.C.

In relation to tourism, the committee discussed legislation that would work to bring back travel and tourism, including H.R. 4594, the “Restoring Brand USA Act.”

During the hearing, Energy and Commerce Chairman Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), said in his opening statement that America’s competitiveness helped build the largest, most dynamic economy in the world, but it is facing unprecedented challenges.

“These unprecedented challenges to our economic prosperity and competitiveness cannot go unchallenged. Today, we are examining legislation to strengthen the nation’s manufacturing might, economic vitality, and American competitiveness,” said Pallone.

The hearing addressed legislation that would bolster the economy, including manufacturing and production of necessities, which included Brand USA, which would ensure that the U.S. remains a desirable place for international travelers to visit.

“The other legislative proposals from my colleagues that will be discussed today improve
America’s global competitiveness, increase supply chain resilience, promote domestic
manufacturing, and strengthen supply chains of critical goods and services,” said Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce Chair Janice D. Schakowsky (D-Ill.) in her opening statement.

The U.S. Travel Association praised the hearing.

“As the U.S. reopens its borders to vaccinated individuals, Brand USA’s important work of promoting the U.S. to international visitors is more critical than ever,” said U.S. Travel Association Executive Vice President of Public Affairs and Policy Tori Emerson Barnes “The steep declines in international travel, which have resulted in more than $250 billion in lost export income since the start of the pandemic, have decimated the program’s funding. The emergency relief provided by the bill, which utilizes existing funds and comes at no additional cost to American taxpayers, will help attract international visitors more quickly, shorten the recovery timeline and restore lost U.S. jobs. It is imperative that Congress moves quickly to pass the bill this year.”
