Southwest Airlines to Investigate Pilot’s Anti-Biden Remark


Southwest Airplane (Photo via Southwest)

Southwest Airlines on Sunday said it will investigate an incident in which one of its pilots used a plane’s public address system to share an anti-President Biden remark with passengers.

“Southwest does not condone Employees sharing their personal political opinions while on the job,” the airline said in a statement, according to multiple reports including CNN.

The pilot made his remark on a flight from Houston to Albuquerque on Friday night – a flight that just so happened to include a journalist from The Associated Press, who first reported the incident.

The pilot apparently ended the typical pre-takeoff greeting to passengers by saying “Let’s Go Brandon.” The phrase has become an anti-Biden spin by Republicans and Conservatives, now popular on social media, after an incident following a NASCAR event.

When driver Brandon Brown was being interviewed by a television reporter and the exchange was being broadcast over the PA system at the track, the crowd began chanting “F*** Joe Biden.” The reporter, whether trying to deflect the obvious background vulgarity over live television or legitimately misunderstood over what was being said, told viewers the crowd was chanting “Let’s Go Brandon.”

Hence, among the political opposition to the Biden administration, “Let’s Go Brandon” has become a cleaned-up version of the off-color chant.

In the meantime, it appears Southwest is having none of it.

“Southwest is conducting an internal investigation into the recently reported event and will address the situation directly with any Employee involved while continuing to remind all Employees that public expression of personal opinions while on duty is unacceptable,” the airline said.
