New York Governor Unveils Economic Recovery Package


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In tandem with the U.S. welcoming back international. visitors, New York Governor Kathy Hochul unveiled a $450 million “Bring Back Tourism, Bring Back Jobs” recovery package to reinvigorate domestic and international tourism.

The relief package will allocate $100 million in one-time payments to support the tourism workers who were hardest hit, $100 million in grants to incentivize tourism employers to rehire staff; $25 million to attract convention center and hotel event business, and $25 million for domestic and international I LOVE NEW YORK marketing.

“Our tourism industry represents the essence of what sets New York apart from the rest,” Governor Hochul said. “ New York can’t come back from this pandemic unless our tourism industry and its workers come back. Our message to the world is clear: New York is coming back, and we welcome you with open arms.”

The pandemic had a devastating impact on the New York tourism industry. In 2019, the industry supported one out of 10 jobs, with an economic impact of $100 billion. In 2020, the state suffered 55 percent loss in direct spending and nearly 50 percent loss in economic impact with international business down by 86 percent and domestic business down by 37 percent.

“From dedicated funding incentives for hotels bringing back workers, to grants that allow meeting planners to offer convention business discounts, it is all much needed support for an industry that was decimated by the pandemic,” said New York State Hospitality & Tourism Association President Mark Dorr.

“We applaud Governor Hochul for her vision as we continue to rebuild the world’s best tourism destinations.”

Added NYC & Company President and CEO Fred Dixon, “As we work to bring visitors and events back to our state and city, jobs, spending, tax collections and economic stimulus will follow.

“On behalf of New York City’s tourism and hospitality community, we look forward to collaborating even more with the state to ensure the full return of the visitor economy for the benefit of all New Yorkers.”
