Alaska simplifies IFE access


Alaska Airlines has simplified connecting to its in-flight portal for nonstop films, TV shows and satellite Wi-Fi.

Alaska Airlines has simplified connecting to its in-flight entertainment portal for films, TV shows and satellite Wi-Fi.

The airline has dramatically cut down on the number of clicks it takes to message friends, play one of more than 1,100 movies and TV shows, or purchase streaming-fast satellite Wi-Fi being rolled out across its mainline fleet.

“We’re always eager to implement new ways to make our technology work smarter and easier for our guests. This significant upgrade to our in-flight entertainment portal is part of that effort, allowing everyone who uses it to have a more enjoyable flight,” said Todd Traynor-Corey, managing director of guest products at Alaska Airlines. “Reliable connectivity and a wide variety of content are important to our guests. On our coast-to-coast flights, about 70% of our flyers log on to our Wi-Fi or enjoy our free movies and TV.”
