Americans Look to Sun and Fun When Booking Rental Cars


Man picking up his rental car

Top rental car destinations over the holidays have two things in common: sun and fun.

Allianz Travel Insurance has released its Top 10 Rental Car Destination Index, and the most popular places for renters are Orlando, Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

Allianz Partners reviewed a sample of 32,000 rental car reservations for the 2021 holiday season that were booked through partners that offer Allianz Rental Car Damage Protector, and Orlando, Florida, was the number-one spot. Significantly, it came in at the top in both the summer and during spring break this year.

Las Vegas was number-two. It was also ranked third for the summer months and second during spring break.

Los Angeles came in at number three and had not even cracked the top five previously.

Denver was in the number four spot followed by Tampa. Miami was number six, and Phoenix was number seven. Fort Lauderdale, Honolulu and Fort Meyers, Florida, were eight, nine and 10 respectively.

“This holiday season will be remembered as the year Americans lined up at the rental car counter after more than a year and a half of feeling locked down,” said Daniel Durazo, director of marketing and communications for Allianz Partners USA.

“With rental cars in high demand, smart consumers are looking to save money by purchasing rental car insurance before they arrive at the counter. It’s important to remember that credit cards may offer only secondary coverage, meaning if you’re in an accident you may still need to file a claim with your auto insurance company. Allianz Rental Car Damage Protector offers primary coverage at an affordable price.”

Allianz Partners’ Rental Car Damage Protector provides primary coverage, includes no deductible and can be purchased for most domestic or international rentals.
