Bratislava Airport: New Routes to Zagreb and Sofia in S22 with Ryanair


Ryanair announced this week two new routes from Bratislava, to Zagreb (Croatia) and Sofia (Bulgaria). Ryanair ´s S22 network from Bratislava grows to 26 routes, including 7 new ones.

Starting on March 27th and March 29th, 2022 respectively, first Ryanair flights to Zagreb and Sofia will depart from Bratislava M. R. Stefanik Airport. The new routes will be operated by Bratislava based carrier Ryanair with two frequencies for Zagreb (Wednesdays, Sundays) and three frequencies for Sofia (Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays).

Zagreb and Sofia join the array of destinations offered by Ryanair from Bratislava, together with the latest additions of Copenhagen, Lanzarote and Lviv launching this W21. S22 also marks the return of Dalaman (Turkey) and Trapani (Italy) for Bratislava, both routes historically operated in past seasons (Dalaman in S18 and S19 and Trapani S14-S18).

Dusan Keketi, CEO of Bratislava Airport: “Number of direct routes offered by Ryanair in the upcoming summer season increases to 26, thereof 7 will be new ones. We are happy about the latest additions of Zagreb and Sofia, which are the capital cities of the most popular and most visited vacation destinations by Slovaks”.
